


1. 回歸專業經營、避免利益衝突:本公司為專業創投公司,專精於尋找適合之創投標的,注資並扶植這些創投標的成長,待創投標的具有一定之規模後出售本公司之全部或大部份之持股,獲取本公司應有報酬出場(Exit)。創投公司通常不參與創投標的之營運,本平台在本公司創投之初係由位於香港之公司負責營運,惟其後該公司之人員因身故而無法繼續經營,為避免平台之營運中斷,始在本公司資深主管安東尼.陳的帶領下,成立數個委員會協助營運。本公司自2013年起雖秉持著「兢兢業業、戮力以赴」之精神協助營運,使本平台能夠穩定成長;然而由於「術業有專攻」及為了避免違反創投法規中關於利益衝突之規定,本公司不得不回歸創投本業,逐步移轉本平台之經營與管理權限予在平台營運方面具有專精之人士;

2. 落實本平台創設之「共有、共治、共享」原始精神與理念:本平台成立之初適逢各大群眾募資網站萌芽及蓬勃發展之際,因此本平台創設之精神與理念實與股權式群眾募資不謀而合。惟由於當時各國家的群眾募資相關法規未臻成熟,故本平台創設之初雖有群眾募資之實,卻無群眾募資之名。現在主要國家的群眾募資法規已漸趨成熟,故本平台應回歸群眾募資之初衷及本意,讓會員們「共同擁有、共同治理、共同享有經營成果」;

3. 為公司上市提前作準備:參照各國股票上市之法令規定,除了設立年限及最低資本額之限制外,多數證券市場均有最低原始股東或發起人數之限制。因此,我們也計劃在逐步移轉經營及管理權限之過程中,為達到未來公司上市之目標而作準備,藉此為平台本身及所有會員創造最大利益;

4. 為達到「公開、民主、財務透明」之理想:本平台創設至今,有諸多會員提供相當多精闢的專業意見予本平台作參考,然而因為人力及專業能力之限制,往往未能有效執行會員們的寶貴意見及建議。在本平台的經營及管理權限移轉之後,在專業團隊的帶領之下,相信能夠更有效地採納並貫徹會員們的共同意志,將本平台的營運帶向另一個高峰。此外,有不少會員也不斷地要求本平台之財務須作到公開及透明,因此擬藉由此次經營權及營運的改組,達到「公開、民主、財務透明」之理想;

5. 本平台之第一階段目標已達成,須適時調整以邁向第二及第三個階段:










Dear Members:

Since the operation of this platform in 2012, we have been operating for almost three years and due to the following reasons, the following operation and management rights will be transferred only to qualified VIP members:

1. Returning to professional operation and avoid possible conflicts of interests: Our company is a professional venture capital company, which focuses on searching for start-up companies worthing our investment. After the successful operation of that company, we will then sell our shares and make our profits. Venture capital companies usually do not involve in daily operation of those companies. Initially, this platform is operated by a company in Hong Kong, however due to death of management of the company, operation is greatly affected and to avoid such, our senior supervisor Anthony Chan thus established a few committees to assist its operation. Our company has always carried the moral 'Try our best and respect our jobs' while assisting the operation. However, due to legal regulations and to avoid conflicts of interests, our company has no way but to return to our original business, and thus we will be passing the platform to other professions.

2. Affirming our platform's initial aim and vision of 'Shared Company, Shared Management, Shared Profits': At the initial stage of establishment of our platform, to cater for needs of general public and to allow them understand our concepts, our concept shared a lot of common characters with crowd funding. However, due to immaturity of laws during that period of time, we operate but we are not granted any status on this subject matter. While laws of crowd funding has been more mature, this platform shall return to its inital aim so our aim and vision could be achieved.

3. Preparation for IPO of our company: With reference to terms and regulations of IPO of different conuntries, other than limits on number of years and requirement of minimal capital, most stock markets also have their requirements on the number of initial shareholders. We are thus preparing ourselves on this matter in order to get well prepared for IPO.

4. To achieve our aims of 'Open, Democratic and Financially Transparent': Since the inauguration of our platform, a lot of members have provided their comments. However due to HR limitation, a lot of such have not been taken. We believe that with transferral of operation and management right, this aim could also be achieved. A lot of members are also requesting us to disclose as much financial information as possible so this restructuring shall help.

5. The first stage of our platform has completed and it's now the same to move onto the 2nd and 3rd stage:

We have proposed the following three stages initially:
The first stage is the 'Inauguration Period', targets and milestones of this stage includes: 1. Invitation of 50,000 sponsored members to establish this platform together and becoming co-founders; 2. Co-founders could share all benefits; 3. Co-founders could also share the dividends; 4. After investing 120 websites, the share will be divided equally to this 50,000 members
The second stage refers to 'Growing Period', targets and milestones of this stage includes: Inviting more people to sponsor and generating profits through other members, for instance, wholeselling online games, operation of online malls, and setting up different courses on online marketing so our platform could be of great variety and making further profit.
The third stage refers to 'Mature Period', targets and milestones of this stage includes: After reaching a total number of 500,000 sponsored members, and each member could earn through this platform (Including dividend of share), no more new sponsored members will be recruited. So that these 500,000 sponsored members will be able to make profits automatically through this platform and this is the ultimate aim of our platform.
The first stage of our platform shall be achieved at the end of this year. VIP members may sign contracts online so to receive their virtual shares, our company will also distribute shares to the 50,000 co-founders.

The following are the detailed procedure of transferring of our shares, further details may refer to announcement to be made in due course.

1. Agreement of receiving virtual shares among co-founders: Before conversion to real-stocks, the first stage of virtual share (Around 10%) will be offered for free to the 50,000 co-founders. Your personal information will be needed. Each and every Global ID number will receive one unit of share. Members who are qualified for this matter will be given priority in registering in being the shareholder of the new company. Your personal information will be needed to avoid possible arguments in days to come. Such will be done on 1 July 2015 after the offering of dividend after 1 July 2015.

2. Purchase of virtual share using contribution values: Our company will allow members to purchase virtual stocks using their contribution values, and this will be done progressively.

3. Preparation and calling of virtual General Meeting: As shareholders are from different parts of the world, thus a virtual General Meeting among shareholders will be needed and directors/Audit Committee will be elected.

4. Directors and Audit Committee of the Meeting will be preparing the documents and regulations of the company, and report to all shareholders of their latest progress.

5. Setting up a new company, and appointing official director and audit committee, and take over the operation and management of this platform.

Operating Committee / Parry Gold Limited


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